

Last time I looked at a simple 16-bit RISC processor aimed at students. It needed a little assist on documentation as well as had a missing file, however I managed to get it to simulate utilizing a free on the internet tool called EDA Playground. This time, I’ll take you with the code details as well as exactly how to run the simulation.

You’ll want to refer to the previous publish if you didn’t checked out it already. The diagrams as well as tables provide a high-level overview that will assist you comprehend the files discussed in this post.

If you wished to really program this on a genuine FPGA, you’d have a little work to do. The memory as well as register initialization is performed in a method that works fine for simulation, however wouldn’t work on a genuine FPGA. Anyway, let’s get started!


If you take each data individually, none of them are extremely difficult to understand. Here’s a quick rundown (I’m utilizing the data names I’ll utilize in my on the internet simulation):

Parameter.v – This is like an include data that sets some fundamental definitions for every other file.

prog.v – This is the direction memory. A simple module, it takes an address as well as presents data for that address. The $readmemb directive reads the data from a data (test.prog).

register.v – The register file. This is almost like the direction memory however it has two checked out ports as well as you can compose to it.

data.v – The RAM memory. This is almost like the registers, however larger as well as with a single checked out port. There is some simulation code that opens a data as well as prints the memory comments, however I deleted that as it was just for debugging. The preliminary content comes from the file.

alu.v – You’d believe this would be complicated, however it isn’t. It just takes two inputs as well as does something to produce the output. Something simple like adds or subtracts. The always @(*) tells Verilog not to produce clocked logic for this. It just turns into some simple gates as well as muxes.

Datapath_Unit.v – This is one of the more complex files, although if you dig into it, you’ll see it is mainly bulk. This data produces all the resources (like the registers as well as memories) as well as wires them together.

Control_Unit.v – one more longer module, this just implements the direction table, setting the control lines based on the present instruction.

ALUControl.v – This data decodes instructions for the ALU. It was missing on the original post. Oddly, there is one more similar CPU on the exact same site that has an ALUControl file, however it is clearly for a different direction set. However, starting keeping that data as well as utilizing the style table, I was able to recreate it. If [fpga4students] corrects this, the files may look extremely different. – This data is required for the EDAPlayground simulator I’m using. It contains the top-level elements (the data path as well as the control unit). since EDAPlayground only processes this file, it is necessary for it to include the other files mentioned above. This causes some warnings since each of them has a timescale directive, however this is harmless. – The testbench isn’t part of the genuine design, however just sets up the simulation as well as collects results. I had to modify it a bit to work with EDAPlayground, however the operation is the same. It just produces a CPU, feeds it a clock, as well as lets it run for a while. The test program as well as memory contents are in test.prog as well as


You can do one of two things. You can open up my copy of the style ready-to-go, however that may not be your finest option. I’d suggest you just go to EDAPlayground and produce a new Verilog project. then begin moving the files over from the original post. You’ll run into errors as well as missing files. See exactly how many you can fix. If you get stumped, then you can utilize my copy to assist you if you get stumped. You’ll discover more that way.

If you do choose to try it, right here are a few tips about EDAPlayground. You don’t requirement UVM/OVM selected, nor do you requirement any type of other libraries. I utilized Icarus Verilog 0.9.7, however you might most likely utilize any type of of the Verilog tools available. You do want to inspect the EPWave checkbox as well as you’ll requirement to add this to the inital part of testbench:

Use the + indication next to the data name tabs to make new files. EDAPlayground has a limit of ten files per pane. Remember, you’ll have to include any type of .v files you produce in either or You don’t requirement to include the data files since the other files utilize them indirectly.


Once you have all the errors worked out, you can press Run as well as you’ll get the waveform viewer, EPWave. You havអ៊ីដើម្បីបន្ថែមសញ្ញានៃអត្រាការប្រាក់ដូច្នេះអ្នកអាចមើលស៊ីភីយូនៅកន្លែងធ្វើការ។ វាជាការរីករាយក្នុងការបន្ថែមឧបករណ៍ I / O មួយចំនួននៅក្នុងការចងចាំឬកំពង់ផែបំប៉នមួយចំនួនដូច្នេះអ្នកអាចមើលរឿងកាន់តែប្រសើរឡើងបន្តិច។ ជាធម្មតាខ្ញុំនឹងមើលបញ្ជរកម្មវិធីក៏ដូចជាការចុះឈ្មោះចូលច្របូកច្របល់ដើម្បីទទួលបានគំនិតនៃអ្វីដែលកំពុងកើតឡើងនៅខាងក្នុង។

លេខកូដដើមមានកម្មវិធីមួយដែលអនុវត្តការណែនាំយ៉ាងច្រើន។ ខ្ញុំបានផ្តល់យោបល់វាក៏ដូចជាបានជំនួសវាដោយប្រើនេះដែរ:

0000_0100_0000_0000 // 0000: តោន R0 <- MER (R2 + 0) ចាប់តាំងពី R2 = 0 នេះដាក់ 1 ក្នុង R0 0000_0100_0100_0000 // 0002: តោនៈតោនដូចគ្នានឹង R1 (R1 នឹងមាន 1) // កន្លែង 8 (បៃ) 4 (ពាក្យ): 0010_0000_0101_0000 // 0004: R2 = R0 + R1 0001_0010_1000_0000 // 0006: Mem [R1] = R2 (នោះគឺជា Mem [1] = R2 0000_0010_0000_0000 // 0008: R0 = Mem [R1] 1101_0000_0000_0011 // 000a: លោតទៅកន្លែងលេខ 4 (ស៊ីភីយូនឹងគុណនឹង 2 ក៏ដូចជាបន្ថែម 2) // គ្មានទិសដៅនៅ 000C ទេទោះយ៉ាងណាកុំព្យូទ័រនឹងព្យួរនៅទីនោះខណៈពេលដែលវាដំណើរការលោត អ្នកគួរតែអាចអនុវត្តតាមតម្លៃបន្ថែមដែលតែងទៅនឹងការចងចាំក៏ដូចជាមើលវដ្តបញ្ជរកម្មវិធីត្រឡប់ទៅកន្លែង 4 ដោយមានរង្វិលជុំនីមួយៗ។ នេះជាវគ្គធម្មតា: ខ្ញុំបានទុកសញ្ញាផ្ទៃខាងក្នុងយ៉ាងច្រើនទោះយ៉ាងណាអ្នកអាចឃើញថាអាស័យដ្ឋានមេម៉ូរី 1 ត្រូវបានកំណត់ទៅ 2 ក៏ដូចជាលេខ 3 ដល់ 3 នៅលើដងខ្លួនពីរដំបូងនៃរង្វិលជុំដំបូងនៃរង្វិលជុំ។ បញ្ចប់ល្បែង តើនេះជាស៊ីភីយូសិក្សាដ៏អស្ចារ្យដែរឬទេ? ខ្ញុំ​មិន​ប្រាកដ​ទេ។ មានស៊ីភីយូសាមញ្ញមួយចំនួនមានទោះជាយ៉ាងណាពួកគេជារឿយៗជាញឹកញាប់ចាប់តាំងពីពួកគេមានល្បិចកលឬពួកគេមានការប្រែប្រួលខ្លាំងយ៉ាងខ្លាំង។ អ្វីដែលមានបញ្ហាប្រឈមច្រើនជាងនេះទំនងជាច្រើនពេកក្នុងការខាំឱ្យអ្នកចាប់ផ្តើមដំបូង។ ខណៈពេលដែលខ្ញុំជឿថាអ្នកគួរតែយល់ពីវិញ្ញាសាគ្រឹះរបស់អ្នកមុនពេលអ្នកដោះស្រាយអ្វីមួយដូចនេះឯកសារនេះមានភាពភេកផ្ចិតបន្តិច (និងច្រឡំ) នៅតំបន់ខ្លះ។ ជាក់ស្តែងវាគ្រប់គ្រាន់ហើយចាប់តាំងពីខ្ញុំបានទទួលវាធ្វើវាទោះជាយ៉ាងណាប្រសិនបើអ្នកទើបតែចាប់ផ្តើមចេញអ្នកទំនងជាពេញចិត្តនឹងការជួយសង្គ្រោះបន្តិចក៏ដូចជាការពន្យល់។ តើអ្នកមានស៊ីភីយូសិក្សាដែលពេញចិត្តទេ? ខ្ញុំនៅតែរកមើលថាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែល "ត្រឹមត្រូវ" ។